Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2023

“Sedimentary Earth Systems: Stratigraphy, Geochronology,
Paleoclimate, Petroleum Resources”

Seventh All-Russian Conference “Upper Paleozoic of Russia”


October 23-25, 2023
Kazan, Russia


The sedimentary basins of the past are represented by a very broad range of facies. The evolution of these facies reflects major geographical, climatic, and biospheric changes. Professor Nikolai A. Golovkinsky (1834–1897), a founder of the Kazan geological school and the author of fundamental studies on the geology and stratigraphy of Eastern Europe, was one of the first geologists to recognize the empirical rules of sedimentary succession and the lateral diachroneity of facies in sedimentary basins (Golovkinsky-Walther’s Law), which was a basis for the modern concept of sequence stratigraphy.

The Meeting was held as part of the implementation of grants from the federal budget of educational organizations of higher education to conduct events aimed at supporting student scientific communities.


Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Professor Danis K. Nurgaliev

Vice-Rector for Research of the Kazan Federal University

Director of the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies


Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Dr. Sci. Vladimir V. Silantiev

Kazan Federal University



Milyausha N. Urazaeva

Kazan Federal University



1. Stratigraphy, Paleontology
2. Geochemical methods and their application in different aspects of geology
3. Environments, Paleoclimate, Paleogeography, Biota and Facies
4. Mineralogy, Lithology, Geophysical methods, Resources
5. Temporal and spatial aspects of sedimentary basin evolution: types of basins, stages of development, modelling and
petroleum potential
6. Upper Paleozoic of Russia: Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, Geochronology, Petroleum Resources


The Meeting will consist of mixed physical and online modes.

Plenary lectures are limited to 20 minutes; regular talks are limited to 10 minutes (+ 5 minutes for questions and discussion). The poster session will run throughout the conference. Speakers will be limited to two presentations (talks) at the meeting.


The official languages for the scientific program and all the business of the meeting are Russian and English. Abstracts will be accepted in English. Oral presentations must be in English. The abstracts of Session “Upper Paleozoic of Russia: Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, Geochronology, Petroleum Resources” will be accepted in Russian. Oral presentations may be in English or in Russian.


Abstracts of oral and poster presentations are invited. Please indicate your preference when submitting (oral physical,poster physical, oral online, poster online). All submissions will be peer-reviewed and published in an Abstract Volume.Please submit abstracts by e-mail (attached file in .doc, .docx or .rtf format) to: golovkinsky2023@kpfu.ru

Deadline for abstract submission is October 01, 2023 

Please check the abstract template and example on the conference website:


The materials of the meeting are planned to be published as Proceedings of the Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting 2023, which will be submitted for indexing in international databases. The Proceedings will include 50 articles. Articles are limited to 6 A4‐sized pages including text, figures, tables and references.

Deadline for Proceedings submission is October 01, 2023

Please check the submission template and example on the conference website:

If the manuscript does not meet the format requirements, the Editorial Board reserves the right to return it to the authors without review.


October 23, 2023: Opening Ceremony, Scientific Sessions
October 24, 2023: Scientific Sessions
October 25, 2023: Scientific Sessions (online)


Registration form is available on the website: https://geo.kpfu.ru/golovkinsky2023en/#registration
Registration Deadline: October 01, 2023.


  • March 24, 2023: First Circular available for distribution through mail and online.
  • July 18, 2023: Second Circular available for distribution through mail and online.
  • October 01, 2023: The deadline for registration, submission of abstracts and articles to the Collection of scientific papers (Proceedings).
  • October 15, 2023: Third Circular with the final Program of the Meeting available for distribution through mail and online.

    Registration form

    Required fields marked with an *asterisk

