Научная деятельность кафедры разработки и эксплуатации месторождений трудноизвлекаемых углеводородов

Информация о Кафедре:

Преподавателями кафедры осуществляется квалифицированная подготовка бакалавров и магистров по направлению  “Нефтегазовое дело”.

На сегодняшний день кафедра разработки и эксплуатации месторождений трудноизвлекаемых углеводородов ведёт активную образовательную, научную и производственную деятельность по различным направлениям

Трудноизвлекаемыми запасами нефти называются нефтяные залежи, для которых характерны неблагоприятные условия для добычи данного ресурса, а также неблагоприятные физические свойства. Кроме этого, к данному типу нефтяных залежей также относятся и те, которые располагаются в шельфовой зоне, в месторождениях, находящихся в поздней стадии разработки, а также высоковязкая нефть


Thermocatalytic upgrading of heavy oil by iron oxides nanoparticles synthesized by oil-soluble precursors//Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Vol.169, Is.. – P.200-204.

Akhmetov B.R., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Vakhin A.V.

Some attenuation characteristics of ultrasound waves in asphaltene suspensions of heavy oil // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. – SGEM 2018. – V. 18. – Is. 14. – P. 781-788.

Aliyev F.A.

The use of nanoscale catalytic systems for enhanced oil recovery in high-viscosity oil fields. Aliyev, E.I. Garifullina, S.A. Sitnov, I.I. Mukhamatdinov, A.V. Vakhin, D.K. Nurgaliyev // Oil. Gas. Novations. – 2018. – 1. – p. 45-48.

Dolgikh S.A., Nigmati R.M., Tkacheva V.E., Garaev L.G.

Determination of protection current and calculation of potential displacement at the bottom hole of an oil well casing. Bulletin of Kazan Technological University. 2012. T. 15. No. 22. p. 66-68.

Farhadian A. et al.

Synthesis of fully bio-based and solvent free non-isocyanate poly (ester amide/urethane) networks with improved thermal stability on the basis of vegetable oils //Polymer Degradation and Stability. – 2018. – Т. 155. – С. 111-121.

Feoktistov D.A., Kayukova G.P., Vakhin A.V.

Catalytic Aquathermolysis of High-Viscosity Oil Using Iron, Cobalt, and Copper Tallates//Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2018. – Vol., Is.. – P.1-8.

Kadyrov R., Sitnov S., Gareev B., Batalin G.

Modeling of cobalt-based catalyst use during CSS for low-temperature heavy oil upgrading // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2018. – V. 155.

Kayukova G.P., Mikhailova A.N., Kosachev I.P., Sitnov S.A., Sotnikov O.S., Nazimov N.A.

Peculiarities of Hydrocarbon Generation in Procsses of Transformation of Organic Matter of Domanikovian Rocks in Various Media of Hydrothermal System // Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2018. – V. 54. – P. 446-456

Khachatrian A. A. et al.

Hydrogen bonding of molecular solutes in protic and aprotic ionic liquids // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2018. – Т. 271. – С. 815-819.

Khachatrian A. A. et al.

The ability of ionic liquids to form hydrogen bonds with organic solutes evaluated by different experimental techniques. Part I. Alkyl substituted imidazolium and sulfonium based ionic liquids // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2018.

Khakimova L. et al.

High pressure air injection kinetic model for Bazhenov Shale Formation based on a set of oxidation studies // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2019. – Т. 172. – С. 1120-1132.

Khasanov R. R. et al.

Investigation of Thermal Effects on Samples of Coals to Determine the Prospect of Their Utilization as Sources of Gaseous Fuels // Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2018. – Т. 54. – №. 2. – С. 123-131.

Kök M. V., Varfolomeev M. A., Nurgaliev D. K.

Application of different EOR techniques for the energy and recovery of Ashal’cha oil field // Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. – 2018. – Т. 40. – №. 6. – С. 645-653.

Kök M. V., Varfolomeev M. A., Nurgaliev D. K.

Isoconversional methods to determine the kinetics of crude oils-thermogravimetry approach // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 167. – С. 480-485.

Kök M. V., Varfolomeev M. A., Nurgaliev D. K.

Wax appearance temperature (WAT) determinations of different origin crude oils by differential scanning calorimetry //Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 168. – С. 542-545.

Kök M. V., Varfolomeev M. A., Nurgaliev D. K.

Wax appearance temperature (WAT) determinations of different origin crude oils by differential scanning calorimetry //Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 168. – С. 542-545.

Kudashev S. V. et al.

Thermal and Thermo-Oxidative Destruction of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) Modified with Formulation Based on Polyfluorinated Alcohol // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2018. – Т. 91. – №. 3. – С. 412-416.

Mehrabi-Kalajahi S. S. et al.

EPR as a complementary tool for the analysis of low-temperature oxidation reactions of crude oils // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 169. – С. 673-682

Mukhamatdinov I.I., Kemalov A.F., Fakhretdinov P.S.

Investigation of physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures modified by adhesive additive // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. – SGEM 2018. – V. 18. – Is. 14. – P. 553-559

Mukhamatdinov, I.I., Gafurov, M.R., Kemalov, A.F., Rodionov, A.A., Mamin, G.V, Fakhretdinov, P.S.

Study of the oxidized and non- oxidized bitumen modified with additive «Adgezolin» by using electron paramagnetic resonance // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2nd International Workshop on Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Laboratory Testing, Simulation and Oilfields Applications, ThEOR 2017; Kazan; Russian Federation; 19-23 June 2017. – V. 155, Issue 1. doi :10.1088/1755-1315/155/1/012004.”

Nasyrova, Z., Aliev, A., Petrov, S.M., Safiulina, A., Mukhamatdinov, I.I.

The catalytic effects of carbonate minerals on characteristics of heavy oil in hydrothermal reactions // Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2018. – V. 36. – Is. 18 – PP.1439-1445. DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1484767

Salih I.Sh.S., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Akhmetov B.R.

Redistribution of subfractional composition of resins after hydrothermal catalytic influences // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. – SGEM 2018. – V. 18. – Is. 14. – P. 735-742

Salih I.Sh.S., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Akhmetov B.R.

Redistribution of subfractional composition of resins after hydrothermal catalytic influences // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. – SGEM 2018. – V. 18. – Is. 14. – P. 735-742.

Salih I.Sh.S., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Garifullina E.I., Vakhin A.V.

Study of Fractional Composition of Asphaltenes in Hydrocarbon Material // Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2018. – V.54. – Issue 1. – PP.44-50

Sitnov S.A., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Khaidarova A.R., Zaripova R.D.

Ultra dispersed magnetite as a catalyst for aquathermolysis of heavy oil // 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference. – SGEM 2018. – V. 18. – Is. 14. – P. 951-958

Sitnov S.A., Mukhamatdinov I.I., Vakhin A.V., Ivanova A.G., Voronina E.V.

Composition of aquathermolysis catalysts forming in situ from oil-soluble catalyst precursor mixtures // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – V.169. – PP. 44-50

Ushakova A. et al.

The free radical chain mechanism of the initial stages of crude oil oxidation in term of SARA fractions // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – IOP Publishing, 2018. – Т. 155. – №. 1. – С. 012013.

Vakhin, A.V., Mukhamatdinov, I.I., Aliev, F.A., Kudryashov, S.I., Afanasiev, I.S., Petrashov, O.V., Sitnov, S.A., Chemodanov, A.E., Varfolomeev, M.A., Nurgaliev, D.K.

Aquathermolysis of heavy oil in reservoir conditions with the use of oil-soluble catalysts: part II–changes in composition of aromatic hydrocarbons // Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2018. – DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1514412

Vakhin, A.V., Sitnov, S.A., Mukhamatdinov, I.I., Aliev, F.A., Kudryashov, S.I., Afanasiev, I.S., Petrashov, O.V., Varfolomeev, M.A., Nurgaliev, D.K.

Aquathermolysis of heavy oil in reservoir conditions with the use of oil-soluble catalysts: part III–changes in composition resins and asphaltenes // Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2018. – DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1514413

Vakhin, А.V., Aliev, F.A., Kudryashov, S.I., Afanasiev, I.S., Petrashov, O.V., Sitnov, S.A., Mukhamatdinov, I.I., Varfolomeev, M.A., Nurgaliev, D.K.

Aquathermolysis of heavy oil in reservoir conditions with the use of oil-soluble catalysts: part I–changes in composition of saturated hydrocarbons // Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2018. – DOI: 10.1080/10916466.2018.1514411

Varfolomeev M. A. et al.

Guaiacol and its mixtures: New data and predictive models. Part 2: Gibbs energy of solvation // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2018.

Zhao S. et al.

Comprehensive investigations into low temperature oxidation of heavy crude oil // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 171. – С. 835-842.

Zhao S. et al.

Low-temperature oxidation of light and heavy oils via thermal analysis: Kinetic analysis and temperature zone division // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2018. – Т. 168. – С. 246-255.

Юань Ч., Emelianov D. A., Varfolomeev M. A.

Oxidation behavior and kinetics of light, medium, and heavy crude oils characterized by thermogravimetry coupled with fourier transform infrared spectroscopy // Energy & Fuels. – 2018. – Т. 32. – №. 4. – С. 5571-5580.

Алиев А.Ф., Гарифуллина Э.И., Ситнов С.А., Мухаматдинов И.И., Вахин А.В., Нургалиев Д. К.

Использование наноразмерных каталитических систем для повышения нефтеотдачи на месторождениях высоковязких нефтей // Нефть. Газ. Новации. – 2018, №1 (206), 14-17

Галимов И.Ф., Губайдуллин Ф.А., Вахин А.В., Исаев П.В.

Анализ эффективности технологии гидроразрыва терригенных пластов на Южно-Ромашкинской площади Ромашкинского месторождения в условиях поздней стадии разработки // Нефтяное хозяйство. – 2018. – №1. – С. 52-54

Мухаматдинов И.И., Вахин А.В., Ситнов С.А., Хайдарова А.Р., Зарипова Р.Д., Гарифуллина Э.И., Катнов В.Е., Степин С.Н.

Внутрипластовое преобразование тяжелой нефти под влиянием смешанных оксидов железа (II, III) // Химия и технология топлив и масел. – 2018. – №5. – С. 33-37

Салих И.Ш.С., Мухаматдинов И.И., Гарифуллина Э.И., Вахин А.В.

Изменение фракционного состава асфальтенов высоковязкой нефти в процессе каталитического акватермолиза // Neftegaz.RU. – 2018. – №4. – С. 102-106

Соса Акоста А., Мухаматдинов И.И., Солодов В.А., Вахин А.В.

Исследование физико-химических свойств полимеров класса полиакриламидов // Вестник Казанского технологического университета. –2018. – Т. 21. – № 8. – С. 52-56

Юань Ч. et al.

Copper stearate as a catalyst for improving the oxidation performance of heavy oil in in-situ combustion process // Applied Catalysis A: General. – 2018. – Т. 564. – С. 79-89.

Юань Ч. et al.

Oxidation Behavior and Kinetics of Eight C20–C54 n-Alkanes by High Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry (HP-DSC) // Energy & Fuels. – 2018.