Научная деятельность кафедры региональной геологии и полезных ископаемых

Информация о Кафедре:

Кафедра региональной геологии и полезных ископаемых образована в 2007 году в результате слияния кафедры региональной геологии и кафедры полезных ископаемых и разведочного дела. Кафедра обеспечивает подготовку кадров по направлению Геология (05.03.01 бакалавриат и 05.04.01 магистратура)

В настоящее время на кафедре работает 14 преподавателей, из них 3 доктора наук, 8 кандидатов наук.

Кафедра региональной геологии берет свое начало от кафедры геологии (геогнозии) и палеонтологии, образованной в 1865 году во исполнение нового университетского устава (1863 г), предписывавшего создание подобных кафедр во всех университетах. Ее первым заведующим стал Н.А.Головкинский.


Tectonic causes of uneven cementation zones distribution in the bituminous sandstones productive part of the Sheshminsky horizon of the South Tatar arch//Neftyanoe Khozyaystvo – Oil Industry. – 2018. – Vol., Is.2. – P.23-25.

Хасанов Р.Р., Варфоломеев М.А., Емельянов Д.А., Рахимзянов А.И.

Исследование термического воздействия на образцы ископаемых углей для оценки перспективности их использования в качестве источников газообразного топлива / Химия и технология топлив и масел – 2018, 2(606), с. 3-7.

Mullakaev A.I, Khasanov R.R, Badrutdinov O.R

Geochemistry of radioactive elements in bituminous sands and sandstones of Permian bitumen deposits of Tatarstan (east of the Russian plate)//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – 2018. – Vol.155, Is.1. – Art. № 012024.

Khasanov R. R., Varfolomeev M. A., Emel'yanov D. A.

Investigation of Thermal Effects on Samples of Coals to Determine the Prospect of Their Utilization as Sources of Gaseous Fuels//CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF FUELS AND OILS. – 2018. – Vol.54, Is.2. – P.123-131.

Khasanov R, Gafurov S, Rakhimzyanov A

The study of the composition of the visean coal in the eastern part of the east-european platform (Russia federation) in connection with the prospects of their exploitation using well methods//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.1. – P.589-594.

Mullakaev Almaz, Khasanov Rinat

The Aeolian Factor in the Formation of the Sheshmian Horizon Sands and Sandstones in the Permian of the South-Tatar Arch//ADVANCES IN DEVONIAN, CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN RESEARCH: STRATIGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENTS, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES. – 2018. – Vol., Is.. – P.381-385.

Вишняков А.К., Хасанов Р.Р., Хамин В.А.

Скважинная добыча полезных ископаемых горизонтальными камерами / Недропользование XXI век, 2018, №5 (75). – С.46-53.

Khayrtdinova L, Khasanov R, Badrutdinov O.

Mineralogical and geochemical criteria for the stratigraphic dismemberment of metamorphic complexes of the crystalline basement of the tatar arch (Russian federation)//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.1. – P.253-258.

Mullakaev A, Sagirov R, Khasanov R.

Post-sidemental changes of bituminous sandstones: Composition and genesis of cementing material//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.1. – P.411-416.

Khasanov Rinat

Permian Coals of the Volga-Ural Basin (East European Platform): Composition and Sedimentological Environments//ADVANCES IN DEVONIAN, CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN RESEARCH: STRATIGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENTS, CLIMATE AND RESOURCES. – 2018. – Vol., Is.. – P.356-359.

Bakhtin A. I., Sungatullin R. Kh., Sonin G. V., Gusev A. V., Kuzina D. M., Sungatullina G. M.

Braking of Meteor Particles in the Atmosphere of the Earth and Creation of Magnetic Microspheres // Meteoritics & Planetary Science.
2018. Vol. 53, Is. S1. P. 6296.

Мизенс Г. А., Сунгатуллин Р. Х., Сунгатуллина Г. М., Гареев Б. И., Баталин Г. А., Садриев Ф. Ф.

Геохимическая характеристика эталонных разрезов приуральского отдела пермской системы // Литосфера. 2018. Т. 18. № 6. С. 819-838.

Glukhov M. S., Sungatullin R. Kh., Galiullin B. M., Sungatullina G. M., Bakhtin A. I., Gusev A. V., Kuzina D. M.

Metallic Microspheres of Cosmic and Technogenic Origin // Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2018. Vol. 53, Is. S1. P. 6202.

Sungatullin R. Kh., Glukhov M. S., Galiullin B. M., Sungatullina G. M., Bakhtin A. I., Vishnykov A. K., Vafina M.S., Gusev A. V., Kuzina D. M.

First Finds of Space Microspheres in the Evaporites of the Urals Foredeep, Russia // Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2018. Vol. 53, Is. S1. P. 6291

Сунгатуллин Р. Х. , Бахтин А. И., Цельмович В. А., Бахмутов В. Г., Сунгатуллина Г. М.

Среднепалеозойское импактное событие на юго-западе Восточно-Европейской платформы // Геология и геофизика. 2018. Т. 59. № 9. С. 1431-1444.

Sungatullin R. Kh., Bakhtin A. I., Tsel'movich V. A., Bakhmutov V. G., Sungatullina G. M.

Middle Paleozoic impact event in the southwest of the East European Platform // Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2018. Vol. 59. Is. 9. P. 1149-1160.

Бахтин А. И., Ескин А. А., Сунгатуллин Р. Х., Сонин Г. В., Петрова Р. Д.

Особенности состава и генезиса метеорита Брагин // Ученые записки Казанского университета. Сер. Естественные науки. 2018. Т. 160, кн. 2. С. 324-338.

Balabanov Yury, Sungatullin Rafael, Sungatullina Guzal, Kosareva Lina

A Paleomagnetic Study of the Section of Dal’ny Tulkas, Lower Permian//Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P. 44-50.

Sungatullina Guzal, Sungatullin Rafael, Gabidullin Kamil

Conodonts of the Moscovian Stage of the North Part of the Peri-Caspian Depression//Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.224-229.

Sungatullin Rafael, Glukhov Mikhail, Galiullin Bulat, Statsenco Evgeny, Sungatullina Guzal

Cosmic Microspheres from the Deposits of the Moscovian Stage of the Eastern Part of the Russian Plate//Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.431-439.

Sungatullin Rafael, Mizens Gunar, Sungatullina Guzal, Gareev Bulat, Batalin Georgii

Geochemistry of the Lower Permian Mechetlino and Dal’ny Tulkas Sections, Southern Urals//Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.216-223.

Sungatullina Guzal, Sungatullin Rafael, Shilovsky Oleg, Statsenco Evgeny, Aysina Ralina, Karimullina Ilyuza

Kasimovian Conodonts and Ammonoids of the Usolka Section (Southern Urals)//AProceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.230-238.

Balabanov Yury, Sungatullin Rafael, Sungatullina Guzal, Kosareva Lina

Paleomagnetic Studies of the Mechetlino Section (Southern Urals)// Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.35-43.

Chernykh Valery, Kotlyar Galina, Kutygin Ruslan, Filimonova Tatiana, Sungatullina Guzal, Mizens Gunar, Sungatullin Rafael, Isakova Tatiana, Boiko Maxim, Ivanov Alexander, Mychko Edward

Paleontological Characteristics of the Mechetlino Section (Southern Urals)// Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.70-81.

Bakhtin A. I., Sungatullin R. Kh., Tsel'movich V. A., Bakhmutov V. G., Sungatullina G. M., Gusev A. V., Kuzina D. M.

Differation Processes of Substance in Impact Events // Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2018. Vol. 53, Is. S1. P. 6127.

Fetisova, A.M., Veselovskiy, R.V., Scholze, F., Balabanov, Y.P.

The new Permian–Triassic paleomagnetic pole for the East European Platform corrected for inclination shallowing / 2018 Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth.-2018.-54(1),c.150-162. Scopus, WoS

Mouraviev, F., Arefiev, M., Silantiev, V., Balabanov, Yu., Bulanov, V., Bakaev, A., Zharinova, V.

Stratotype of the Urzhumian Regional Stage in the Monastery Ravine, Kazan Volga Region, Russia / In book: Barclay, M., Nikolaeva, S., Silantiev, V. (Eds.) Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting, 2017 ?Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources?. Filodiritto International Proceedings, Bologna, Italy, pp. 188-196.

Balabanov Yury, Sungatullin Rafael, Sungatullina Guzal, Kosareva Lina

Paleomagnetic Studies of the Mechetlino Section (Southern Urals)// Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P.35-43.

Balabanov Yury, Sungatullin Rafael, Sungatullina Guzal, Kosareva Lina

A Paleomagnetic Study of the Section of Dal’ny Tulkas, Lower Permian//Proceedings Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting «Advances in Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources». Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-23 September 2017. Bologna: Filodiritto Publisher, 2018. P. 44-50.

Mouraviev, F., Arefiev, M., Silantiev, V., Balabanov, Yu., Bulanov, V., Bakaev, A., Zharinova, V.

Stratotype of the Urzhumian Regional Stage in the Monastery Ravine, Kazan Volga Region, Russia / In book: Barclay, M., Nikolaeva, S., Silantiev, V. (Eds.) Kazan Golovkinsky Stratigraphic Meeting, 2017: Advances in Devonian,
Carboniferous and Permian Research: Stratigraphy, Environments, Climate and Resources. Filodiritto International Proceedings, Bologna, Italy, pp. 188-196.

Petrov S.M, Sitdikova L.M, Soldatova R.R

Conversion of heavy oil in supercritical water with nano particles of caustobiolith//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.4. – P.359-366.

Sitdikova L.M, Khasanova N.M, Korepanov E.S

Mineral-geochemical features and type of organic matter of the lower-riphean deposits of the eastern-askinskaya area of the republic of Bashkortostan//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.1. – P.245-252.

Sitdikova L.M, Izotov V.G, Sidorova E.U.

Petrographic rhythmicality of hypabyssal complexes of the basement of the Tatar arch – potential reservoir zones // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.1. – P.395-402.

Ситдикова Л.М.

Нетрадиционные коллектора зоны Камских дислокаций / Ситдикова Л.М., Изотов В.Г., Аухатов Я.Г. // Геология. Известия Отделения наук о Земле и природных ресурсов АН РБ.-2018.- № 25. -С. 45-48.

Shinkarev A.A, Sitdikova L.M, Valieva G.R

Ni-Al mixed oxides as catalysts in the reactions of conversion of the higher alkanes//International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. – 2018. – Vol.18, Is.1.4. – P.657-664.

Тюрин А.Н., Бахтин А.И., Гафуров Ш.З.

Цеолитсодержащие породы Татарстана и их роль в развитии минерально-сырьевой базы республики. Георесурсы, Спецвыпуск, с. 91-98. DOI: https://doi.org/10. 18599/grs.2018.SI.91-98